Splitting a Column to Multiple Columns

Suppose we have a dataframe with county names and geolocation as follows:

import pandas as pd

sample_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'County': ['Hancock', 'Stafford', 'Webster'],
                           'GeoLocation' : ['41.001938375,-83.6665354077', 

County GeoLocation
0 Hancock 41.001938375,-83.6665354077
1 Stafford 38.4207190191,-77.4574003866
2 Webster 40.1764332141,-98.4999473753

We split the column GeoLocation into multiple using the following operation:

sample_df[['Lat', 'Long']] = sample_df.GeoLocation.str.split(',', n=2, expand=True)
County GeoLocation Lat Long
0 Hancock 41.001938375,-83.6665354077 41.001938375 -83.6665354077
1 Stafford 38.4207190191,-77.4574003866 38.4207190191 -77.4574003866
2 Webster 40.1764332141,-98.4999473753 40.1764332141 -98.4999473753